Friday, October 26, 2007

Wedding from Kendra's point of view

Con artist? No way. Sure, I may have bribed my cousin into letting me be the maid of honor, but I had good reason. The maid of honor needed to be someone who was gorgeous, sweet, and who could where a Vera Wayne designer dress along with a pair of white stilettos. In other words, the maid of honor needed to be someone like me. So by paying for half of the wedding I was doing everyone a huge favor. Besides, if I weren’t the maid of honor, it would have been that horrible, selfish, ugly sister of hers with her horrible figure and those bags beneath her eyes. No one would have wanted that.
So there I was in the most fabulous yellow and white strapless dress . As expected, my radiant looks far exceeded those of the bride’s mates. My skin just absolutely glowed with the pureness of an angel and my curls bounced to a tune of their own. I carefully watched the best man and groom take their place. As I baffled my mind on how the groom could be so handsome in a baby blue suit, the wedding participants began to take their place. To be quite honest, I had never found the groom to be an attractive man, but he sure knew how to clean up.
“Oh no, honey! Your dress isn’t zipped up in the back and the wedding is starting! Here, let me do it for you.” said an unfamiliar voice with the sound of urgency to it.
I turned around to see some obnoxious middle-aged woman with huge sunglasses and the most disastrous combination of bright colors that I had ever seen. That’s all I needed before the wedding, a loss of eyesight.
“Thank you. I uh... I like your lime green pants." I had always been good at lying.
“Why thank you. I made them myself.”
“Oh really, I hardly noticed.”
After regaining some composure, I got in line and prepared to go down the red aisle. (This in my opinion was a little too glamorous for the occasion). As I strolled down the aisle I felt a bit unstable. Like at any moment one of my $200 stilettos would break. The horrible thought itself almost caused me to plummet. Of course, I should have known something fishy was going on when those two suspicious kids offered to polish my shoes. Since when do kids offer to polish shoes? Regardless of my balance issue, I managed to make it to the end. As the priest began to speak time seemed to drag on. I had to keep on looking at the bride and groom just to make sure that I was at a wedding and not a funeral. Seriously, a simple will you take this man and will you take this woman would have done it. As the priest began to come to the closing, there was a loud nerve wrecking noise.
“Oh no, it's the cake!” A woman yelled standing next to the altar.
It seemed that some dumb ass had knocked the cake off the table and, as you expected, the drunk of he wedding threw himself down on he floor and began stuffing his disfigured face. It was the most disgusting thing that I had ever seen; which is why I couldn't wait for the reception.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Samia, Zoua, and Agustina's final plot.

Were writing about Quin Johnson teaming with Hector Mcdonald to sabatoge the wedding. They both decided that since he doesn't like the groom, and she doesn't like the bride, they should just destroy the entire ceremony. Were also incorporating Kendra Olsen. She's the maid of honor after bribing the bride for the spot.

Samia will write about Kendra Olsen and her behavior during the wedding.

Agustina will write about Quin Johnson's behavior during the wedding.

Zoua will write about Hector Mcdonald's behavior during the wedding.

Monday, October 22, 2007

300 word story (final)

The anxiety of pressure filled my mind with negative thoughts. I fought for my voice despite the echoes of comments made by my underachieving parents. This time I would show them, so that when I looked into the once dreadful mirror I would no longer see failure written across a helpless face.
“You’ll do fine. You were meant to do this.”
I let Kelly’s words sink into my trembling heart. Up until this point nerves were just things that I had heard about. I tuned out all of my competition and just focused on myself. Time seemed to drag on like a teenagers anticipation of adulthood. With every given second my nerves started forming minds of their own.
“Carrie you’re on in five.”
The stage managers words sent my nerves into a wild frenzy. At this point my entire body was shaking uncontrollably.
“Ok Carrie, sing it just like you practiced in front of me and you’ll be great.”
Sweet Kelly always had something good to say. But not even her words of encouragement could calm my torturous nerves.
“Carrie you’re on!”
I took a deep and headed towards the stage. The curious glares of strangers made my body tingle as if I were glowing. I tried to convince myself that I would do great. After all I couldn’t let my parents be right. Almost sending my body into shock my music began to play. At that very moment I felt an adrenalin rush go to every limb of my body. I was, for that moment, confident. At the sound of two familiar voices I glanced out into the audience. I quickly dropped the mike and ran off stage. My parents my have won the battle, but they hadn’t won the war.
My final 300 word story will be posted soon. I left my folder at work.

Monday, October 15, 2007

55 word story (final)

"Well Laura, it looks like I'm the only one without a prom date for tomorrow."
"Me and you both. Who needs a date? Let's go together."
After leaving the lunchroom, they run into their friend John.
"Hi Laura, pick you up from prom at 8:00p.m?"
"Prom? Laura!" Megan screams throwing down her friendship ring.

A Silent Moment

Her entire life had revolved around this moment. Singing was Carrie's passion and her escape from things that didn't seem as appealing.
"I have to be perfect when I get on stage. This could be the day that I've dreamed about."
Seeing just how nervous Carrie was, her best friend Kelly tried to comfort her.
"You'll do fine. You were meant to do this. When you wake up in the morning the first thing you think about is singing."
After spending a couple more minutes in the dressing room, Carrie and Kelly decided to go around and check out the competition. While approaching the front of the line Carrie heard the most beautiful voice.
"Kelly, listen. She's amazing. I can't top that!"
"Don't worry about trying to out do her. You just do the best that you can and pray that it's good enough."
Kelly had always been there for Carrie. She was Carrie's support, her strength, and her best friend.
"Carrie you're on in five."
Until the stage manager spoke to Carrie the reality of the situation hadn't quite kicked in for her. Could this be her one chance at fame? Maybe this would be the first of many opportunities. Whatever the case was she couldn't risk the chance.
"Ok Carrie, sing it just like you practiced in front of me and you'll be great."
"Kelly are you sure that I can do this?"
"Can birds fly?"
The stage manager ran through the door.
"Ok Carrie you're on!"
After Kelly took her seat, Carrie stepped on stage. The lights were bright and her music was beginning to play. This was it, the moment she's waited for. But when she opened her mouth to sing...nothing came out.

Monday, October 8, 2007

The Hatred of Love (final version)

It's not as if I've ever been...
at a loss for words,
But the sound of his cold, hallow voice
led to the immunization of my aching soul,
My entire world had come to a forceful stop
with the impact of a semi-truck,
My wounded heart pounded in my chest
sending chills throughout my
stiffened body

"Are you there?"
The words drifted meaninglessly
through the receiver,
How could I answer?
I gave him the miraculous key to a heart
which was never unlocked,
In return I received the embittered awkwardness
of silence and malaise,
Thoughts rushed through my mind like
the overflowing of an established damn
Yet at the moment...
I was speechless

Reminiscing about this moment
is like witnessing the isolation felt by those who
fear their own emotions,
For what I hesitantly said that day was...
"I love you."
What I needed to say...
was nothing

55 word story

"Well Laura, it looks like I'm the only one without a prom date for tomorrow."

"Prom date? Who needs a prom date? We can go together."

After leaving the lunchroom, they run into their friend John.

"Hi Laura, pick you up for prom at 8:00p.m.?

"Prom? Laura!," Megan screamed in disgust.

Monday, October 1, 2007

The Day Before Life

It was the realization of the moment,
the irony of the scene,
Auntie vs. Niece
Slave owner vs Slave
But for once...
I was the teacher
She was the student
Change was near

I panicked,
Ignorantly with the secrets of a tortured soul,
With the weight of the world on a heart
already made weary
Running, running, running...
Change chased me

The sound of roaring lions...
vs. the presence of an anaconda
filled the air with a mutual outspoken silence,
Glancing into the eyes that painfully pierced through my
solitary soul...
I decided to free myself from the heavy chains that
the enemy once used to constrain me
Change had spoken

I fought,
Using the strength of the silent anaconda,
The weapons formed by experiences of my tortured soul
and the troubles formed by fears of my weary heart...
I won the bloodiest battle that one could fight mentally

It's the freedom of forever,
The defeated look across her evil face
Auntie with niece...
Niece with courage

Monday, September 24, 2007

The Day Before Life

It was the realization of the moment

the irony of the scene,

I was the teacher

She was the student,

Change was near

The sound of roaring lions…

vs. the presence of an anaconda

filled the air with an outspoken silence,

Change has spoken

I wait,

Patiently with the vengeance of a

tortured soul and a weary heart,

Running, running, running…

Change chases me

I stand,

Using the strength of the anaconda,

The weapons of the tortured soul

and the troubles of the weary heart…

I allow change

Monday, September 17, 2007

My ten minute play

[After recently engaging in a conversation with her brother Greg and her sister Anna, Angie stands in the middle of a deserted, foreign land alone. The trees are not the trees that you see everyday and the clouds are even filled with despair. Looking as if it were out of some alien's dream, it gives off a very uneasy feeling.]


This can't be happening.
[emerging from behind a tree with a mask on]
Well Angie, you could always pinch yourself and find out.

Who... who are you and how do you know my name?

That's not important right now. What's important is that you follow me.

[beginning to panic]
Where am I? What do you mean follow you? Where did these trees come from? And for heaven's sake what's wrong with the clouds?

Calm down. I want you to meet someone.

[looking confused but willing to go]
New and already I'm making friends.

[approaching a heavy set woman who is also wearing a mask]
Well, here's the guest of honor.

Pleasure to meet you.

[refusing Anna's hand gesture]
I wish I could say the same. Look, you all seem like really nice, mask wearing people, but I have to get home so if you could just...

[suddenly placing his hand over her mouth]
Look there's no nice way to put this. Either you learn or listen more than you talk, or you won't be going home any time soon.

Angie, the reason we brought you here is because we want to teach you something.

Is it how to avoid meeting mask-wearing psychopaths?

[standing patiently with his arms crossed]
We're going to start by taking you to the land known as Humble.

Sounds like fun.

Just follow me.

[Greg, Angie, and Anna walk for about five minutes before they reach their destination. Upon reaching Humble, Angie sees a vaguely familiar woman.]

Excuse me, but don't I know you.

I know you. You don't remember.

No, I don't.

[irritatingly shifts her body language]
We went to college together. You use to always brag about your grades.

I remember alright. I was a real jerk.

[whispering to Greg]
She always has been.

I always felt like no matter how hard I tried in school I could never be as good as you. And I don't know about you, but being the manager at McDonald's isn't what I call success.

[walking towards the path]
Lets move on. We're just getting warmed up.

[After leaving Humble Greg and Anna decide to take Angie to meet yet another person.]

Where the hell are we going now? If it's not to my house then count me out.

Relax Angie. There are just a few more people that we think you should meet.

[Upon approaching a homeless girl looking for food, Angie is at a loss for words.]

[comforting the girl]
What's your name sweetheart?

My name is Regret.

That's a very unique name.

I know, Mommy, that's why you gave it to me.

[still shocked at being called Mommy]
I'm sorry, sweetie, but I'm not your mother.

You are. You told me that you were coming back for me.

I'm sorry but...

I know you weren't ready for a kid. You told me. Just take me home.

Who takes care of you?

Grandma did before she went to live with the angels.

[on the verge of crying]
I'm so sorry. But how...

[feeling sorry for his sister]
Seen enough?

[completely disregarding what Greg asked]
Why is this happening to me?

[After regaining composure over the situation, Angie follows Anna and Greg to the last sight]

Okay, Angie, the worst is over.

[approaching Angie]
Lets see if you've solved the mystery.

[They all walk into a beautiful land and the first thing that they see is a confident young woman.]

[approaching the woman]
Hello, how are you today?

Why I'm all right. I was just headed off to school.

Oh, you're in college.

That's right. I'm getting by best that I can.

I'm sure you'll do just fine. Just focus and never let anyone bring you down.

[After speaking with the young woman they decided to take a break.]

So tell me Angie, what do you think our purpose is?

Well. I can't really say that I know. Is it to make me feel like a complete jackass?

[feeling guilty at the thought of hurting her sister]
We're not trying to hurt your feelings.

Are you sure? Because when people introduce me to little girls that say I abandoned them, that's the kind of impression I get.


[kindly placing his hand on Angie's shoulder]
Angie, we need you to dig a little deeper.

Please try and understand.

[screaming at the top of her lungs]
That's it! Take me home! It's bad enough that I've went on this childish journey with you in the first place. Get me out of here! I'm warning you.

[A young girl in a sundress walks up to Angie.]

Well, you look very beautiful.

Thank you, I love my dress.

It's very nice. What's your name?

It's Hope.

[saying the name with a ring to it]

[The doctors have just delivered the baby and put her in her mother's arms. Anna and Greg stand over the bed with looks of relief across their faces.]

How do you feel?

Where am I?

I see the medicine hasn't quite worn off.

[sitting up in confusion]
Whose baby is this?

Maybe we gave you too much medicine.

But I was just talking to Hope.

Great. I see you already found a name.

Monday, September 10, 2007

My Dream

I dream of a day where we can be free, and not be judged by our nationality,
A day where we can all unite instead of always wanting to fight,
See what we don't seem to understand is that were true Americans we got brought to this land,
And our ancestors worked their fingers to the core just so we could all have more,
But no we don't seem to remember that, all this smoking weed and selling crack,
Gang here gang there what do, just forget about that and just be you,
Oh and don't even get me started, All these families that have departed,
My brothers and sisters you can't work things out while yall all up in the streets running about,
And kids my age don't know what to do, dropping out of school acting a fool,
Yeah that's just what we need is kids on the corner asking will you feed,
And parents get a grip on yourself talking about your kids ain't good for their help,
What they really need is love and affection and someone who cares about their protection,
Talk about neglection look around little babies sleeping on the ground,
You mean to tell me that you don't care these things are happening everywhere,
But that's ok dont take a stand and watch your kids step in sinking sand,
I don't know about you but I have faith,
Faith that we will see better days and from our mouths depart words of praise