Monday, October 15, 2007

A Silent Moment

Her entire life had revolved around this moment. Singing was Carrie's passion and her escape from things that didn't seem as appealing.
"I have to be perfect when I get on stage. This could be the day that I've dreamed about."
Seeing just how nervous Carrie was, her best friend Kelly tried to comfort her.
"You'll do fine. You were meant to do this. When you wake up in the morning the first thing you think about is singing."
After spending a couple more minutes in the dressing room, Carrie and Kelly decided to go around and check out the competition. While approaching the front of the line Carrie heard the most beautiful voice.
"Kelly, listen. She's amazing. I can't top that!"
"Don't worry about trying to out do her. You just do the best that you can and pray that it's good enough."
Kelly had always been there for Carrie. She was Carrie's support, her strength, and her best friend.
"Carrie you're on in five."
Until the stage manager spoke to Carrie the reality of the situation hadn't quite kicked in for her. Could this be her one chance at fame? Maybe this would be the first of many opportunities. Whatever the case was she couldn't risk the chance.
"Ok Carrie, sing it just like you practiced in front of me and you'll be great."
"Kelly are you sure that I can do this?"
"Can birds fly?"
The stage manager ran through the door.
"Ok Carrie you're on!"
After Kelly took her seat, Carrie stepped on stage. The lights were bright and her music was beginning to play. This was it, the moment she's waited for. But when she opened her mouth to sing...nothing came out.


Zoua said...

oh wow!! i like your story.. it really reminds me of you it is just that i know for sure you'll sing your heart out.... ahahah! but i think you could add a little more adjectives to how she was nervous.

Anonymous said...

You wrote this so well!! I really like it! The ending is sad i felt bad for Carrie. But it's really good like i said before :) good job girl